Monthly Archives: February 2021

Dog Training for Women Works Helpful Techniques To Train Your Family Dog

Although you love your puppy, there may be times when you become frustrated. Unfortunately, the dog does not like your things as much as you do most of the things left out are chewable to a dog. Read on to find out how to train your dog so your life can be less stressful.

Use control to acknowledge positive behavior while training. You together with the dog should both remain calm. While you may be overjoyed with headway you are making, showing excitement causes the dog to become excited and makes you lose control. Set a good example by rewarding them calmly.

Do not reinforce any negative behaviors accidentally. In basic terms, this means refusing to reward your dog, via attention or treats, for doing any action that you are trying to get them to stop doing. If you wish to keep your dog from begging for table scraps, don’t encourage him by slipping him a morsel one night or allowing others to do so.

Think of a word you can use as a command during training. For example, using the word “yes” let your dog know they can retrieve their reward.

Start with the straightforward stuff. This will be great for immediate gratification, and your dog will begin to understand what you expect along the way. This ensures your outcome is positive.

The first thing you should do when training a puppy is teach him to understand his name. Use his name frequently, and train him to come to you when called. These are the commands your dog should learn before anything else. Spend ample time with the puppy to create a bond. This will build trust between the puppy and you. This will help them become more receptive to harder training later.

You want your dog to behave. This saves money, frustration, and perhaps even your dog’s life. Follow the tips provided in this article and you should be able to effectively train your dog to stop unnecessary chewing.

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Interview With Stuart Doughty – one of the UK’s Leading Dog Agility Trainers

Stuart is an amazing Dog Agility Trainer performing at the highest levels of competition. The last year has been tough with competitions stopped and his main form of income closed.

We talk mindset shifting for performance
Amazing tips for training your dogs at home (and elsewhere)
The real problem when it comes to training a dog
How injury is a distraction from performance not just of you but of your dog whatever the training you’re doing
The steps Stuart personally takes now that keeps him and his dogs on track for when everything in the dog agility world starts again.

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